Client Spotlight: Kitty and CJ
I reached out to my gorgeous 2021 clients to see if they would be willing to share about their home ownership journey. I had the privilege to work Kitty and CJ in the beginning of 2021 just when the market was shifting and acting all crazy. I met them via Mike - Kitty was a Pokemon scavenger hunt sniper and found TWO Pokemon cutouts before anyone even knew who Mike was. She then donated a handmade quilt for Mike’s Australia Wild Fire Charity event (the last thing we did pre-COVID), and now we are are all bird obsessed friends.
I subjected them to a bunch of questions so we could learn from their experience.
1. Could you share a little about yourself?
We are CJ and Kitty- we moved from Virginia to Portland in the summer of 2015 with our dog, Luca. Kitty is an architect and CJ works in beverage sales. Our joint hobbies include rock climbing, hiking, skiing, and camping. Individually, CJ enjoys bird watching and loves sports- Formula 1 Racing, Soccer, Football, Basketball, you name it. He's a Timber's fan and likes to ride his bike to the games. Kitty really enjoys sewing, reading fantasy novels, gardening, and generally keeping her hands busy. She just finished two quilts and has planted this season's crop of potatoes in her porch garden.
2. When did you buy your home?
We closed on our house March 31, 2021!
Woo hoo, the new mini retaining wall!
3. How long did you spend with Michele searching for your home?
I met Michele at her husband Mike's Art Auction for Australia in January 2020. I picked her brain casually for months, where Michele connected me with a lender and helped answer questions. We started our house hunt officially in November and saw our first home with Michele on November 8, 2021. We put in three offers over 3 months, and had one accepted at the end of February, 2021.
4. In what ways was the home you bought like what you were expecting to buy, and in what ways was it different?
We ended up in a different neighborhood than what we had wanted, but the house itself was pretty spot on. We were looking for at least 2 beds, 2 baths, space for my sewing, a yard, and lots of natural light: we scored on ALL fronts.
All freshly painted and looking great!
5. What has been the best part of home ownership so far?
The autonomy- I love being able to create a space that is cozy and comfy and truly ours.
6. What has been the biggest challenge of home ownership so far?
We're very fortunate that it hasn't been very challenging so far. But every old house has its quirks- I suspect the insulation in the walls upstairs is LONG gone, and when we get driving rain storms, our kitchen window and back door leak. So the biggest challenge has been figuring out all of the weird things about the house. And then prioritizing which quirks to repair!
7. Have you made any upgrades/done any remodels you want to share about?
We had the exterior painted, got a new washer/dryer, added raised garden beds, added a little retaining wall around the front yard, and (the biggest deal) are installing air conditioning at the end of March! After last year's heat wave, we knew that was an absolute need. We have longer term goals to give the kitchen a face-lift and overhaul the downstairs bathroom, maybe replace the windows upstairs.
That’s a pretty fancy washing machine, CJ!
8. Do you have any advice for someone just starting their home search?
Find a good team who gives you the space to ask every question on your mind. This is your first time looking for a home, and you don't know everything! Find people who will support you and not make you feel dumb for asking questions.
9. How has homeownership changed you or your daily life?
I feel so happy being a homeowner. I think CJ and I found a home that suits our needs really well and that we just feel comfortable in. I have told him many times how thankful I am that we found this house, because it is perfect for us. We feel happy here, we feel comfortable here. We are so excited and humbled to be the caregivers of this home on its long life, another chapter in its story :)
10. Anything else you want the world to know about you, your home, me, homes in general...have at it!
I'm tapped out, hahaha. I just feel so grateful and fortunate that we were able to purchase a home in this market, in this city. We are privileged and lucky and I don't want to diminish that. But also we busted our butts to save up and make this dream a reality. Lots of hard work and alignment of stars.