Bedroom Remodel

The day is finally here! It’s time for bedroom before and after photos! Click through each gallery to see before and after photos from multiple angles.

Mike and I hired our exceptionally talented neighbor Nial to build closets in our bedroom that were beautiful, unique, and functional. Nial is the perfect blend of artist and craftsperson - he came with a vision and was able to execute that vision with incredible skill. The closets are built into formerly unused attic space at the foot of the bed. It made a big improvement in the layout of the room. Nial hand-carded the closet trim, and built custom doors with gorgeous, organic details.

The biggest benefit of moving the closet to the other side of the room was removing the bulky, inefficient closet that was preventing us from having a bigger bed. We netted around the same amount of storage but our bedroom grew by multiple feet! We also changed the location of a super strangely placed heating vent that was becoming a dust trap… and didn’t heat the room.

We wanted to add an architectural feature that mimicked the carved wood of the closets but was subtle and flexible. We decided to make a little ledge behind the bed with carved wood trim. It pulls in the design of the closets, and gives our kittens a place to stand and stare at us while we sleep.

All the details came together to create our dream bedroom, and we couldn’t be happier with the outcome. Frankie, you like it too?

Design and Construction Nial Nutter

Photographs Jillian from 22pagespdx

Styling Penelope Miller

Bench Austin Quattlebaum

Paint from Miller Paint

Rugs from Etsy

Comforter Parachute

Nightstands, Curtains, Lamps, and Mirror from IKEA

Pillows Blockshop, Urbanite

Art by Aremy Stewart and Lettie Jane Rennekamp

Vases A OK Ceramics and Heath

Blanket from Iceland

Ceramic Cat from Urban Outfitters


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